[Gdal-dev] MapInfo Tab Merger

abhay menon abhay.menon at gmail.com
Wed Nov 29 12:52:07 EST 2006

On 11/28/06, Daniel Morissette <dmorissette at mapgears.com> wrote:
> Unfortunately the .TAB driver in OGR doesn't support appending data to
> existing files, so you have to write the whole output file in a single
> pass... and I don't think ogr2ogr supports multiple input layers at once
> so you'll have to do a bit of gymnastic to get the result you want.
> Here are a couple of options using the MITAB library
> (http://mitab.maptools.org/) directly, which is what OGR uses under the
> hood to read/write TAB datasets. The advantage of working directly with
> MITAB in your case is that it reduces the chances of losing information
> (pen/brush styles, field types, etc) when going from one format to
> another with OGR.
> 1- If you can write your own little program in VB or in C then use the
> MITAB C API to write a program that reads in features from multiple
> files and copies them to a single output file. The file mitabc_test.c
> contains sample code that shows how to open files for reading and
> writing. Mapping this code to VB shouldn't be too hard either.
> 2- If you don't want to do any programming, then you can use the tab2tab
> program to convert all your source .tab datasets to .mif/.mid. Then
> merge all the .mid files to a single .mid file, do the same with all the
> .mif files, merging them all to a single .mif file after stripping the
> headers of all the .mif files except the first one. If you merge the
> .mid and .mif files in the same order then you can convert the resulting
> .mif/.mid dataset to .tab using tab2tab and you won't have lost any
> information.
> Oh wait... now that I have written all that, there is an easier
> solution: if you can then create a seamless table in MapInfo (a virtual
> dataset that contains all your indiviual .TAB files) ... then use
> OGR2OGR to convert the seamless .TAB dataset to a single .TAB file
> Daniel
> abhay menon wrote:
> > Hello List,
> >
> > I have a dataset in MapInfo Tab  format which has multi geometry (point,
> > linestring and polygon) stored in it. I have to append multiple tab
> > files outside MapInfo since this dataset is heavy and take a lot of time
> > in processing (also the table structure for all the files are same in
> > MapInfo Tab format)
> >
> > Is there a way I can do this using OGR?
> >
> > I have tried to store this data in SQLite and then thru SQLite3.exe I
> > merge the tables into one new table but I lose the MapInfo Tab Table
> > Structure(especially the field size) in this process which is important
> > for further purpose.
> >
> > Also tried that with GML too. but it increase the number fields in data
> > structure available (FID of all the TAB's are also inserted as FIELD's)
> > and also it seem to induce some extra feature.. even thought they are
> > not visible..
> >
> > So I need that data final MapInfo TAB. Can anyone help me with this..
> >
> > --
> > Thanks and Regards
> >
> > Abhay Menon
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
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> --
> Daniel Morissette
> http://www.mapgears.com/
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Thanks Daniel,

Well I tried the last option and it worked really well..

Best Regards

Abhay Menon
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