[Gdal-dev] Modis HDF help

Andrey Kiselev dron at ak4719.spb.edu
Tue Sep 5 12:58:53 EDT 2006

On Tue, Sep 05, 2006 at 09:36:50AM -0300, Daniel Victoria wrote:
> You can get one of the MOD43B images in the link bellow. It's an 18 Mb
> file http://juruti.cena.usp.br/~daniel/modis/modis43b3.tar.gz
> It's comforting to know that I'm not the one messing up. The down side
> is that I really wished I could do this with GDAL so then I could do a
> batch import. Do you know of any other software that can do a batch
> import with HDF4 data?


You can grab the latest GDAL snapshot from CVS and test it for support
for your datasets. I am not sure that my approach will work in all
possible situations, but it should work in your case. I do not know
other tools suitable for batch processing, it is hard to automatically
process HDF files, because they are designed to be human readable in the
first place and not machine readable. MRT is higly specific tool, so it
is probably the best choice for MODIS processing, though the GDAL driver
tries to be the universal one.

I think that MRT can be used in batch mode, you just need to cgenerate
control file on the fly, something like

for i in *.hdf ; do
	echo INPUT_FILENAME = $i >prm.prm
	echo OUTPUT_FILENAME = `basename $i .hdf`.tif >> prm.prm


Andrey V. Kiselev
ICQ# 26871517

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