[Gdal-dev] Converting HDF-SMI in TIF -georeferencing problems

Pedro Oliveira poliveira at esri-portugal.pt
Thu Sep 7 07:18:05 EDT 2006

Good Morning


I'm trying to import HDF-SMI from MODIS to TiF, and i'm using the GDAL
FWTools application.

I'm using the following sintax for importing the hdf image in a batch
file that uses some variables to lock the file name:




Everything work's fine. The problem is the this:

The outpu image is a GeoTiff but it dosn't have lat/long georeferencing,
but has row/column info. Ive tried to use some paramenter like -t_srs or
-s_srs in gdalwarp but didn't work.

When i use gdalinfo i cn see that the HDF file dosn't have a explicit
geographical information, but the information has lat/long data.


Is there a way to import image and have the output file as lat/long
(wgs84) georefernced


I've download the image in the following URL




i've used a Chlorophyll (Aqua-MODIS) monthy 4km HDF file.


Tanks in advance by you help

Best regards


Pedro Oliveira



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