[Gdal-dev] Constant width using gdalwarp?

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Tue Apr 17 11:40:07 EDT 2007

On 4/15/07, Seth Price <seth at pricepages.org> wrote:
> Let me start off by saying that GDAL is excellent. Big thanks. :)
> I am reprojecting a set of 14400x14400px lat/long images to 14400px
> wide, and the image height depends on the latitude. The output
> projection is Mercator. My intent is to only interpolate pixels in
> one direction, so the output image will be a bit sharper along the x
> direction.
> I thought I could do this with the "-tr" flag, but the width is
> changing depending on the latitude. Out of the two latitudes I've
> tried, I'm getting images 14400px wide and 14399px wide.


I'm really not clear enough on the details to understand what is or
isn't working here.  Perhaps you could provide the gdalinfo report
on the input file, the gdalinfo report on the output file, and the
exact gdalwarp command you used.

If you are getting 14399 when you expect 14400 it seems likely there
is some sort of rounding off issue.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
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