[Gdal-dev] Transform Line String into Polygon with ogr2ogr

Lijian Shi lijian.shi at und.nodak.edu
Tue Apr 17 18:06:07 EDT 2007



I have a shp file with Line String geometry type. Actually these lines are
polygon because the coordinate values of line string's first point are same
with them of line string's last one. Now I want to transform this shp into a
new one with polygon and I use command "ogr2ogr" as:


ogr2ogr new.shp old.shp -nlt POLYGON


But there are some errors as followed:


ERROR 1: Attempt to write non-polygon (LINESTRING) geometry to type

ERROR 1: Terminating translation prematurely after failed

Translation of layer zones


Can I use this "ogr2ogr" to convert LINESTRING into POLYGON? If yes, what's
the problem with my command? 


Thanks in advance,



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