[Gdal-dev] Max no of layers in OGR shapefile driver

Dave Robertson dave at cs.otago.ac.nz
Wed Aug 8 19:59:15 EDT 2007


I realised I hadn't replied to this, so belatedly and for the record:

Changing the PG: driver to PGB: gives me an immediate 4x speed  
improvement. Thats a fantastic return for the trouble of adding one  
character to the code!
Thanks for the information.

-Dave Robertson

On 26/05/2007, at 2:27 AM, Frank Warmerdam wrote:

> Dave,
> The OGR PostGIS read support is not well optimized, so I'm not  
> surprised
> at a difference, though this is more dramatic than I would have
> expected.  It makes me wonder if perhaps spatial querying is not being
> used for something.
> You might try replacing PG: with PGB: in your datasource name for  
> postgis
> access.  This uses alternate postgis driver code in OGR with binary
> fetching for geometries.  This code path is not very well  
> maintained, but
> is reportedly significantly faster than fetching geometries in text  
> format.

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