[gdal-dev] Gdal_Translate Geotransform error

Andrew de Klerk andrew.deklerk at gmail.com
Mon Dec 3 03:05:32 EST 2007

Hi All 


I have done some searching to try solve my problem, but have been
unsuccessful. I am relatively new to gdal, but not new to GIS. I apologise
if my question's are basics..but an answer would help me significantly. I am
running the latest build of Gdal for windows (1.43), and using the
pre-compiled binaries. So here is my primary and secondary question: 

I have a tif file which i want to clip at certain coordinates, so I call the
following command: 


"gdal_translate -projwin 16.25 -28.5 16.5 -28.75
H:\1_50000_April2007\2816\2816CB_2003_ED2_GEO.TIF 2816cb.tif" 


On running this i get the following error: 

"Input file size is 8267, 10629 

The -projwin option was used, but the geotransform is 

rotated.  This configuration is not supported." 


I have checked my input images and coordinates passed through with projwin,
and all seem fine. Gdalinfo of the files reveals the following coordinate


Upper Left  (  16.1928674, -28.4559735) ( 16d11'34.32"E, 28d27'21.50"S) 

Lower Left  (  16.1904570, -28.8619556) ( 16d11'25.65"E, 28d51'43.04"S) 

Upper Right (  16.5508568, -28.4576272) ( 16d33'3.08"E, 28d27'27.46"S) 

Lower Right (  16.5484465, -28.8636093) ( 16d32'54.41"E, 28d51'48.99"S) 

Center      (  16.3706569, -28.6597914) ( 16d22'14.36"E, 28d39'35.25"S) 


So my question is...what do I do to correct the error. I see no related
messages between gdal_translate and geotransform. Do I need to do some
programming to solve this problem? I shouldn't think so, as what I am doing
is pretty basic.


Second/third question is..if i do a straight translate to geotiff, my output
image is 85Mb, while my input is only 6Mb (also tif, but with LZW
compression) - how do I force LZW or export a file of the same size, or
smaller, as the original?. I tried ECW but i received a "no support"
message. Is ECW supported? 


Sorry for the long winded message, but i need to resolve this to do in Gdal.
If it were just one image, I would use other GIS packages, but I have 2000
odd images to do and need to batch them 






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