[gdal-dev] gdalwarp creates a bloated file

Craig Leat craig.leat at gmail.com
Sat Dec 22 07:37:10 EST 2007

On Dec 22, 2007 11:52 AM, Even Rouault <even.rouault at mines-paris.org> wrote:
> you definitely need GDAL 1.5.0RC2 to use CCITTFAX4 compression method. This
> compression method didn't exist in the GDAL 1.4.X series. The online
> documentation you're refering to is always against latest development version
> (svn trunk), and not stable one, thus the confusion.
> Please note too that the keyword is COMPRESS and not COMPRESSION. So if you
> can upgrade to GDAL 1.5.0RC2, you should rather use :
> gdalwarp -co "NBITS=1" -co "COMPRESS=CCITTFAX4"


Wonderful and thanks for pointing that out! gdal 1.5 did the trick.
The file size is down from 218.5MB to 3.9MB.

Best regards


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