[Gdal-dev] RFC 9: Paid Maintainer Guidelines

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Sat Jan 6 15:13:23 EST 2007

Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> Folks,
> I have prepared a draft RFC 9 intended to cover how maintainers hired
>  with GDAL sponsorship money will be administered.
> http://www.gdal.org/rfc9_maintainer.html
> I'd appreciate feedback before I formally propose it.

The list of responsibilities is clear to me.
Also, the concept of prioritizing tasks by the supervisor or
PSC body is well defined and clear.

One note to the following statement:

"Substantial new development projects will only be taken on by the
maintainer with the direction of a PSC motion (or possibly an RFC
designating the maintainer to work on a change)."

I understand, it regulates potential tasks the maintainer
can take from external entities. Is my understanding correct?

Asumming it is, so, the maintainer is obliged to inform the
PSC/supervisor about new project and he should ask for permission, to
avoid time conflicts, etc.
Is this correct?

A question about reporting, I'd suggest to include a note to the
guidelines that the maintainer is obliged to spend substantial amount of
hours on tasks weekly, to avoid empty reports :-)

I mean, if the maintainer is contracted to spend 100 hours/month,
then, technically, it's possible to work out this amount of hours
in 2 weeks, so next 2 weeks will bring empty reports.
If such situations should be avoided, then the guidelines
should include a note about that to give general regulations of monthly

Also, I think weekly reports are fine.

Mateusz Loskot

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