[Gdal-dev] Re: nmake for c # interfaces
Simon Perkins
sy at perkins.net
Tue Jul 3 11:28:46 EDT 2007
kevser sonmez wrote:
> Hi again,
> By getting a snapshot from the cvs the error has gone related to that
> tiff :)
> But I have another problem;
> The test data wouldnt work and the system.typeinitializationexception
> is thrown by the ogr.registerall () command.
> I searched for the mailing archives, the error seems to be related
> with the missing of some required dll's. (proj.dll or some other) But
> actually I dont know which dlls should be referred, that is should be
> on the path??
If you need proj.dll then you probably need to build the PROJ4 library
which is separate from GDAL, though you'll find links on the GDAL web
page to it.
> Another question is, I cannot refer to the wrap.dll s from the csharp
> project (e.i. csharp_wrap.dll) from a csharp project, is this normal?,
> it complains about that dll is not a COM component or a valid
> assembly? I dont know much of C #, so sory :((
In .NET projects, you can only add direct references to .NET assemblies.
Only some of the DLLs produced by SWIG are assemblies - namely those
that have corresponding .cs files, rather than.cpp files. The assemblies
in turn call the unmanaged DLLs. So, add references to gdal_csharp.dll
and ogr_csharp.dll in your C# project. Then make sure that all the other
DLLs that you need (includling gdal_csharp_wrap.dll and gdal.dll) are in
a directory that is on your PATH. Although you can't add references to
those unmanaged DLLs, windows needs to be able to find them at runtime.
To do this, it looks in various places, most importantly in the
directory containing the executing application, and also in the
directories on the PATH. Your proj.dll also needs to be on the PATH.
> And the last question is, is c# is complete in terms of the ogr, I
> mean; Is everything; that can be done in the c++ API, can also be done
> by using the c# bindings?
The OGR C# bindings are actually generated from the OGR C API, but
reorganized through the magic of SWIG (and Tamas) to provide an object
oriented API. Since the OGR C API is itself a wrapper around the
original C++ classes, it typically provides a subset of the C++
functionality - for instance there is no hierarchy of Geometry classes.
However, most important things are there, though there's no real
documentation on what the C# binding provide except for the SWIG code
itself. So, say that you're looking for a method described in the OGR
C++ read/write tutorial. Once you have the C++ name, look at the C API
to see what the equivalent C method is called. Then search through the
corresponding .cs file in swig/csharp/ogr for a similar named method,
and see what arguments it takes. There's generally a fairly simple
pattern to the C++ -> C# name translation, but there are a few quirks.
> And to mention, I am working with visual studio 2005, in an 64 bit
> windows XP...
> Cheers
> Thanks a lot for the contributions :)
> On 7/2/07, *kevser sonmez* <kevsemola at gmail.com
> <mailto:kevsemola at gmail.com> > wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been trying to build the gdal and swig files using the
> nmake utility, for the csharp part of the swig (csharp seems to
> have the good documentation :) ). When I try to build the gdal
> core library, it seems to fail at the frmts directory for the tiff
> library. It gives the error,
> " This version of tif_config. h header is dedicated for Windows CE
> platform !"
> I can produce the four namespace dll s for the c# interfaces but
> since I cannot produce the core gdal library with the nmake, the
> linking cannot succeed.
> I am trying to compile it for a win64 bit system and setting the
> WIN64=YES options in the nmake.opt file and also in the comandline
> when calling for nmake.
> Any ideas are geratly appreciated ...
> Thanks in advance :)
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