[Gdal-dev] Increasing Buffer Size in GDAL's Project2

Mubin mkadiwala at flenvironmental.org
Wed Jun 13 10:28:42 EDT 2007


I am using GDAL's project2.exe file to convert BIP (bytes interleaved by
pixels) formatted files to BSQ (bytes sequential).  A high resolution image
file of size 30GB takes about ~12-15hrs to convert.  I could use ENVI to do
this conversion for me which would take about ~5-6hrs but, as I have many
files to convert so I want to batch the process.  I remember someone once
telling me that the buffer size is ~64k in project2.  If that is true, is
there a way to increase this buffer size in the code for faster processing? 
If not, is there any other way to increase the speed of project2.  Here is
my call to project2:

project2 -of ENVI -s_srs "+proj=utm +zone=16 +datum=wgs84" -t_srs "+proj=utm
+zone=16 +datum=wgs84" DSS_Image_BIP.bip DSS_Image_BSQ.bsq

My computer specs is:
CPU:  3.0GHz
RAM:  2.0GB

Any help would be greatly appriciated.

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Increasing-Buffer-Size-in-GDAL%27s-Project2-tf3915050.html#a11100722
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