Polish free geodata [was: [Gdal-dev] Looking for huge vector dataset]

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Sat Mar 3 14:57:00 EST 2007

Maciej Sieczka wrote:
> Mateusz Loskot wrote:
>> BTW, Maciej, do we have anything like Public Geo Data for Poland?
>> May be we could make a list or something?
> I have a link or two. New pop in from time to time. Do you know of any
> WIKI site we could use? Drop me a line offlist.

Perhaps the Public Geodata Repository is the right place:




but I think it's a good idea to ask someone. I'll do it.

>> I only know about geoportal.gov.pl but data available there
>> are only browsable through ArcIMS viewer, no downloads.
> Yes, you can only order them in WODGiKs. And they are not cheap. Eg.
> the 25m photogrametricaly derived DEM is 50 PLN/~25km2 sheet (circa 17
> USD). Isn't it a robbery, that I have to pay again for the data that
> were collected for the money from my taxes? Rethoric quetion, right. We
> all know the answer. Just wanted to share my frustration :).

Yes, I have similar feelings.

Mateusz Loskot

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