[Gdal-dev] compilation of GDAL/OGR-132 with DGNDirect09964

Jean-Daniel Gonon jdgonon at gi-lemans.com
Wed Mar 14 10:13:46 EDT 2007


I have a new question about compilation of GDAL/OGR-132 with 
DGNDirect09964 :

When I compile in debug mode, I have much warnings like this :
"dgntkMD8d.lib(CFontMgr.obj) : warning LNK4204: 
is missing debugging information for referencing module; linking object 
as if no debug info"

In debug mode, I use debug DLL (libpng13d-vc8.lib libjpegd.lib 
zlib1d-vc8.lib xerces-c_2D.lib dgntkMD8d.lib olessMD8d.lib zlibMD8d.lib) 
and parameter "C/C++ => Code generation => Runtime Library" is 
"Multi-threaded Debug DLL (/MDd)" (see gdal_debug.vcproj project file in 
attached file).

Also, when I compile in release mode, i have errors like this :
"tif_aux.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __RTC_Shutdown"

In release mode, I use release DLL (libpng13-vc8.lib libjpeg.lib 
zlib1-vc8.lib xerces-c_2.lib dgntkMD8.lib olessMD8.lib zlibMD8.lib) and 
parameter "C/C++ => Code generation => Runtime Library" at 
"Multi-threaded DLL (/MD)" (see gdal_release.vcproj project file in 
attached file).

I don't know what I must to do to correct these problems...

I don't know if my question is comprehensible, but I need your help... 
Thanck you in advance.

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