[Gdal-dev] Gdalwarp - corrupt merge

Craig Miller craig.miller at spatialminds.com
Mon May 7 18:22:24 EDT 2007

When using gdalwarp on paletted geotiffs that have "TILED=YES" and
"COMPRESS=LZW" set during creation I'm running into a couple of problems.  I
confirmed via gdalinfo that all input files have the projection defined as

Problem #1
Gdalwarp existing_file1.tif existing_file2.tif corrupts the second image.
Projection is stripped, and none of my apps (non-gdal) can read the image
(E.g. global mapper).  gdalinfo shows the projection being stripped, still
paletted image.  Any suggestions on how to merge two geotiffs in this

Problem #2
gdalwarp -te xmin ymin xmax ymax infile.tif outfile.tif
Outputfile has no projection defined, compression is lost, and I assume
tiling is too.
Everything works ok if I specify -co options, -s_srs, -t_srs, etc but I
thought it was supposed to output everything the same as the input.


Craig Miller

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