[Gdal-dev] FWTools2 for Linux vs a Debug Environment

Brian Hamlin maplabs at light42.com
Wed Nov 14 11:22:05 EST 2007

two weeks ago I asked the list about their opinions on an OS choice..
Without going into a lot of detail, I chose Ubuntu Gutsy 64bit

That machine is up now, with some minimal software installed
I built GDAL 1.4.3 right away, and can use it to write to Postgres

However, I now have a new question
Either I add the new FWTools2 for Linux
   OR have a debug and build environment with source

In a previous life I built large C/C++ applications for a living
My editor and debugger were daily tools

So far, I have not heard a firm commitment to a Source Level Debugger 
on Linux
I understand that some use GDB effectively, but to me, thats not an 

Do I find an editor/debugger for Linux, and use this box to perhaps 
build patches for GDAL?
OR simply use it as a production machine, and enjoy whatever FWTools2 

Opinions, Pointers, Package Recommendations Welcome
best regards

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