[Gdal-dev] PROJ.4 warping string ignored

Seth Price seth at pricepages.org
Tue Oct 23 00:16:59 EDT 2007

Hello, let me first thank everyone for the great GDAL utilities. I've  
been getting much use out of them. However I think I've come across  
something of a bug. Some of my PROJ.4 parameters seem to be ignored.

Here is my warping command (note the -t_srs argument):

gdalwarp -t_srs '+proj=merc +latts=0 +lon0=0 +k=1.0 +x0=0 +y0=0  
+a=6378137.0 +b=6378137.0 +units=m' -ts 11651 16480 -te  
-10018754.171395 5465442.183323 -9796115.189808 5780349.220256 -wm  
400 -co 'TILED=YES' -co 'BLOCKXSIZE=512' -co 'BLOCKYSIZE=512' -rc './ 
N046W090_x1.tif' './N046W090_x1.merc.tif'

I use the PROJ.4 library and these parameters and calculate that my  
expected output bounds are the values I have for -te. However, the  
output image is shifted, and results in quite a bit of black space at  
the top of the image, and some cropped off the bottom. In fact, it  
gives the same output image as this command would give:

gdalwarp -t_srs '+proj=merc +datum=WGS84 +units=m' -ts 11651 16480 - 
te -10018754.171395 5465442.183323 -9796115.189808 5780349.220256 -wm  
400 -co 'TILED=YES' -co 'BLOCKXSIZE=512' -co 'BLOCKYSIZE=512' -rc './ 
N046W090_x1.tif' './N046W090_x1.merc.tif'

(note the different -t_srs)

It looks like most of my -t_srs isn't getting passed to PROJ.4. Am I  
doing something wrong? Is this a bug in the package? If requested, I  
can put the source file online, but it's ~300 MB.


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