[Gdal-dev] loading metadata into NITF from separate image format
Jared Rubin
JARED.RUBIN at saic.com
Tue Sep 4 20:44:28 EDT 2007
I am have my own internal image format and would like to stuff metadata into
a nitf file without relying upon the command line. So for example I want to
place the ANGLE_TO_NORTH into the USE00A tag for NITF.
I am inheriting from RawDataSet
I see the that the nitf library uses
is this how the metadata gets passed between image formats?
On Friday 31 August 2007 17:30, Sophia Parafina wrote:
> Jared,
> The NITF specs are available here:
> http://www.gwg.nga.mil/ntb/baseline/format.html, they list the defined
> tags for metadata in the header. I'm not sure what you mean by domain,
> but I don't think there are nitf tags for sensor zenith or sun azimuth.
> However, using gdal_translate use the -mo "tag=value" option to insert
> the metadata. Yes, gdal_translate will write the metadata from a nitf to
> a geotiff.
> Cheers,
> sophia
> Jared Rubin wrote:
> > I am inheriting from the RawDataset because it is scan line orientated
> > and would like to stuff metadata like sensor zenith, sun azimuth, etc..
> > that are well defined metadata items in NITF and TIFF so that I can
> > convert an internal image format to NITF or TIFF. Is there a specific
> > domain that I need to use for NITF or TIFF for stuffing the metadata. If
> > so can someone provide an example?
> > In addition, if i was to stuff the metadata to NITF, would it carry
> > over to TIFF?
> >
> > Basically if run gdal_translate from my internal format to NITF and then
> > run gdal_translate from NITF to TIFF would the metadata carry over to
> > TIFF?
> >
> > Thanks
> > Jared
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