[Gdal-dev] Converting netCDF to geoTIFF with colour

Matthew Perry perrygeo at gmail.com
Wed Sep 5 19:44:47 EDT 2007


  There are a couple of options for this:

If you have Grass or GMT installed, both of these applications can do
color ramping.

One that was just pointed out to me recently on this list was Mirone
(http://w3.ualg.pt/%7Ejluis/mirone/index.htm) which has a great
windows-based GUI for color ramping.

 There was also a gdal based command line app written by Paul Surgeon
called color-relief which can apply color ramps :

- matt

On 9/4/07, Paul Tildesley <paul.tildesley at csiro.au> wrote:
> I am trying to convert an 8-bit band in a netCDF file to GeoTIFF using
> gdal_translate. I have used the command:
> gdal_translate -of GTiff netCDF:"SST3d_20070901.nc":sst SST3d_20070901.tif
> and this works except that the output file is greyscale and I want colour. I
> know that there is no colour table in the netCDF file so I need to give
> gdal_translate a colour table to use in creating the geoTIFF file? I cannot find
> any documentation that tells me how to do this.
> Any help gratefully received.
> Paul.
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Matthew T. Perry

"You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes
the existing model obsolete" - R. Buckminster Fuller

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