[Gdal-dev] ogr / geos scripting question

Brian Hamlin maplabs at light42.com
Wed Sep 12 11:11:36 EDT 2007

I'd like to write a script to add a few points to a datasource, then 
make some simple geos calculations on it.
  (I'm completely new to this)

below is what I came up with at a first look ( to simply create the 

After creating the Data, I'd like to make a geos calculation, like 
minimum radius for example.

thanks in advance
   -Brian / darkblueB

get OGR driver count
    iterate through drivers, looking for the desired named driver

datasource = driver->CreateDataSource( dir )
layer = datasource->CreateLayer( "layerOne" )

g = OGR CreateGeometryFromWKT( "Point( 10 100)" )


I am a little lost about the need for features, or how to append my new
OGRGeometryShadow to the layer.

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