[Gdal-dev] Import Gdal

Vincent Schut schut at sarvision.nl
Thu Sep 20 02:57:13 EDT 2007

Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> Christopher Barker wrote:
>> It's not bad now -- just needs an easier installation, and the gdal
>> stuff really should be put in a package. Looking in my site-packages
>> dir, I have:
>> ogr.py
>> ogr.pyc
>> osr.py
>> osr.pyc
>> gdal.py
>> gdal.pyc
>> gdalconst.py
>> gdalconst.pyc
>> gdalnumeric.py
>> gdalnumeric.pyc
>> _gdalmodule.so
>> That's quite a bit of clutter. All that really should be in a "gdal"
>> package directory instead. That would require a change to everyone's
>> import statements, however. (that's th eonly change, though -- not
>> bad, really)
>> It would be nice to make the change while keeping the old way around
>> for a version or two (deprecated) -- on *nix, that's easy, just put
>> in some symlinks -- on Windows, I don't know how to cleanly do it.
> Christopher,
> I sense I'm going to be tag teamed by you and Howard in Victoria and that
> the gdal bindings are likely to be made into a "proper" package in a
> subdirectory ... perhaps even for 1.5.
> I've always resisted because of my concern that it will break existing
> scripts which will require at least some minimal change to the import
> statements.  I'm a serious stick-in-the-mud when it comes to backwards
> compatibility.  But ultimately if the Python folks want to do it, we will
> do it.  I'd obviously be happier about it if you can do it in a way that
> is minimally disruptive.
> Best regards,
Me being one of the python folks, I guess, using gdal mainly from
python, would welcome this change very much. I'll happily go through all
my python stuff to do a find/replace quest. Usually backwards
compatibility is a good thing, but in this case imho it is more
important for py-gdal to finaly become a Real Python Package, than to
cling to backwards compatibility and thus withhold progress :)

just my 2c

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