[gdal-dev] Outline of world land masses

Michael Slinn mslinn at mslinn.com
Sun Apr 20 18:37:47 EDT 2008


Thanks for letting me know about DCW.  I need coastal outlines for an 
open source nautical charting program that I am developing.  Low 
resolution is all that I need, so users can get a sense of what the 
world looks like when they zoom all the way out.  Political boundaries 
are not required, but I would not erase them if they came along for free.

The DCW layers that seem interesting are:
 - Political/Ocean
 - Ocean Features

For my immediate need, the above is overkill, but in the future it might 
well be useful.

I looked through the links and found ONC boundaries 
which looks great.  I could not find VPVIEWER but I found vpfviewer 
(http://www.ivtools.org/vhclmaps/vpfviewer.html) which seems similar.


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