[gdal-dev] Add and register a driver to OGR - How to ?

Gregor Fikoczek gregor.fikoczek at wheregroup.com
Thu Apr 24 08:00:26 EDT 2008

Hallo @ all, 

i am a newbie and trying to add and register a driver to OGR, but it fails. 
Can anyone post me a short how to?

What i've done:

1. I copied the directory with sources (called 'nas'), 
to 'gdal-1.5.1/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/'

Now I don't konow how I can register the driver, I tried the following:

2.  Eding the line 'void CPL_DLL RegisterOGRNAS();' to the 
file 'gdal-1.5.1/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/ogrsf_frmts.h'
(Maybe I have to register the driver anywhere else???)

In the end i tested the formats 
with: 'gdal-1.5.1/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/apps/ogrinfo --formats' but there was no 
supported format called 'nas'


WhereGroup GmbH & Co. KG
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Gregor Fikoczek
Email: gregor.fikoczek at wheregroup.com
Fon: +49 (0)228 / 90 90 38 - 25
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vertreten durch:
Arnulf Christl, Olaf Knopp, Peter Stamm

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