[gdal-dev] read/write ungenerate files?

Matt Wilkie matt.wilkie at gov.yk.ca
Wed Apr 30 14:50:18 EDT 2008

Hi Craig,

> I have this extremely vague recollection of there once being a 
> "generate" or "arc export" OGR driver that used to contain both the 
> code for reading E00 files and Arc Coverages.

That is still there but e00 and coverages are not the same thing as

> For reference, tou may or may not be aware that all of Katz's source
> code is still online at:
> ftp://ftp.blm.gov/pub/gis

Thanks Jeshua, I'd forgotten about that.

/matt off scrounging ftp.blm and boning up on "Text processing with python"

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