[gdal-dev] Can not connect with ODBC / DSN

Clay, Bruce bclay at ball.com
Tue Feb 5 13:31:18 EST 2008

I am trying to connect to an Oracle server using ODBC with a DSN style
connect string (ODBC:userName/password at dsnName).  It seems to be
connecting based on what I see in the debugger but does not return from
the OGRODBCDataSource::Open.  There is a loop inside the open that tries
to open every table in the database and that takes a very long time
since there are many house keeping tables in Oracle.  It has been
running several minutes and is up to 663 tables in the loop with an
unknown number remaining.


So the question is: should the following loop open every table in the
entire database with the above connect.


    for( int iTable = 0; 

         papszTables != NULL && papszTables[iTable] != NULL; 

         iTable++ )


        if( strlen(papszGeomCol[iTable]) > 0 )

            OpenTable( papszTables[iTable], papszGeomCol[iTable],
bUpdate );


            OpenTable( papszTables[iTable], NULL, bUpdate );








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