[gdal-dev] Again: WinCE related Problem regarding GeoTiff

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Mon Feb 18 06:23:51 EST 2008

Tom Kazimiers wrote:
> I ask again because Mateusz Loskot seems to be back again and has a 
> deeper insight in things belonging to GDAL and WinCE.

I'm not back yet, but only monitoring :-)

> So please do not see this as "spam", since I got a bit more hope in 
> solving this problem with Mateusz ;)

Tom, I've probably forgotten to debug this problem.
I remember I got some data from you but as I've checked I don't have 
them anymore on my disk.
So, may I ask you to resend me your test file?

I'll try to find out what's going wrong.

Mateusz Loskot

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