[gdal-dev] SetGCPs() method not supported

ValiSystem vali.system at free.fr
Wed Jan 9 05:29:31 EST 2008

On 9 janv. 08, at 11:22, ValiSystem wrote:

> On 9 janv. 08, at 09:55, Vincent POULAIN wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I try to convert a complex image into modulus image, the format  
>> is .hdr (ENVI image) but I have this error message:
>> ERROR 6: Dataset does not support the SetGCPs() method.
>> What can i do to solve that problem?
>> Thanks,
>> Vincent
> Hello Vincent,
> GCPs are not supported in all dataset formats, so make sure to use  
> one that support it (i'd not be surprise if ENVI image does not  
> support it).
> I know that geotiff can have GCPs, searching for "GCP" in http://www.gdal.org/frmt_various.html 
>  will help you to point out formats that are GCPs compatible.
> Cheers,
> nicolas

OOps, little mistake, all formats are not visible in http://www.gdal.org/frmt_various.html 
. Well, maybe someone will tell you which format are GCP compatibles,  
or i'm afraid you'll have to to the fastidious job (if you do it  
manually) of finding them by yourself.


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