[gdal-dev] adding the pds format ISIS

cartrite stpoppy at ptd.net
Fri Jan 18 18:18:54 EST 2008

Hi Frank,
I didn't see it on the list of formats after configure ran and someone
else had trouble with reading an ISIS3 cub. And none of the object files
in the pds folder were produced after running make.

I became aware of the problem at the ISIS support forum. According to a
user, GDAL 1.5.0 was built and got an error when trying gdal_translate
on the cub.


On Fri, 2008-01-18 at 15:58 -0500, Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> cartrite wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I was wondering how one would add a PDS, ISIS3 reader. I didn't see an
> > option in configure help. There is a folder under formats. And I can run
> > make from the pds folder, but I'm not sure how to link.
> Steve,
> In GDAL 1.5.0 the PDS, ISIS2, and ISIS3 drivers should be built into GDAL
> by default.  They do not depend on external libraries so no configure
> options are required.
> You can confirm availability of a driver using the --format switch.
> eg.
> warmerda at gdal64[27]% gdalinfo --format isis3
> Format Details:
>    Short Name: ISIS3
>    Long Name: USGS Astrogeology ISIS cube (Version 3)
>    Help Topic: frmt_various.html#ISIS3
> Best regards,

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