[gdal-dev] General Memory/Resource leak fixes(Cleanup calls)

mchapman at texelinc.com mchapman at texelinc.com
Thu Jan 24 08:19:04 EST 2008

Not sure if this is it but are you calling GDALCleanupAll?  It's called that or GDALAllCleanup or something.  I think it is declared near GDALRegisterAll.  


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-----Original Message-----
From: sanjay boddhu <sanjay_ieee at yahoo.com>

Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2008 01:41:45 
To:gdal-dev at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [gdal-dev] General Memory/Resource leak fixes(Cleanup calls)

Hi ,
     I have been trying to fix (or to be more appropriate, find the cleanup calls to fix) the memory and resource leaks in my application(which uses GDAL to read and write to a tif file). I have tried all the cleanup calls mentioned in the end of :


and reduced lot of memory/resource leaks......But i still get a memory leak pointing in "GDALDataset  Create( ...)"  and few resource leaks of Mutex and TLsAlloc. 

I would really appreciate if anyone can recommend the right cleanup calls for the above leaks or hint me in the right direction.



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