[gdal-dev] General Memory/Resource leak fixes(Cleanup calls)

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Thu Jan 24 15:09:46 EST 2008

The leak reported in geotiff.cpp was indeed a leak in GDAL 1.4.2. It's fixed 
since GDAL 1.5.0, so you should consider upgrading.

As far the ressource leaks, I can't really say as it's probably windows 
specific stuff I can't test on my platform, but I wouldn't worry too much if 
I were you. These are probably just one time leaks.

Le Thursday 24 January 2008 20:44:08 sanjay boddhu, vous avez écrit :
> Hi Martin,
>               I did try calling all the below cleanup calls:
> VSICleanupFileManager();
> GDALDestroyDriverManager();
> CPLCleanupTLS();
> CPLFinderClean();
> CPLFreeConfig();
> But i  still have the leak with call stack showing the below order(poiting
> to VSIMalloc):
> Type    Quantity    Total (bytes)    Allocation Location    Sequence
> Leak exiting program    1    4    gdal14.dll, cpl_vsisimple.cpp, VSIMalloc
> - line 280    52 Memory Leak Exiting Program: Address 0x04266CF8 (4)
> allocated by malloc.
> Allocation Call Stack - Thread 0 [0x0CA0]
> VSIMalloc    c:\documents and
> settings\sboddhu\desktop\gdal142\gdal-1.4.2\port\cpl_vsisimple.cpp    280
> CPLMalloc    c:\documents and
> settings\sboddhu\desktop\gdal142\gdal-1.4.2\port\cpl_conv.cpp    127
> GTiffCreate    c:\documents and
> settings\sboddhu\desktop\gdal142\gdal-1.4.2\frmts\gtiff\geotiff.cpp    3568
> Create    c:\documents and
> settings\sboddhu\desktop\gdal142\gdal-1.4.2\frmts\gtiff\geotiff.cpp    3640
> Create    c:\documents and
> settings\sboddhu\desktop\gdal142\gdal-1.4.2\gcore\gdaldriver.cpp    109
> and the resource leaks are(one of the mutex) looks like:
> Type    Quantity    Deallocator    Allocation Location    Sequence
> CreateMutexA    1    CloseHandle    gdal14.dll, cpl_multiproc.cpp,
> CPLCreateMutex - line 457    53 Resource Leak Exiting Program: Handle
> 0x00000110 allocated by CreateMutexA.
> Allocation Call Stack - Thread 0 [0x0CA0]
> CPLCreateMutex    c:\documents and
> settings\sboddhu\desktop\gdal142\gdal-1.4.2\port\cpl_multiproc.cpp    457
> CPLCreateOrAcquireMutex    c:\documents and
> settings\sboddhu\desktop\gdal142\gdal-1.4.2\port\cpl_multiproc.cpp    117
> CPLMutexHolder    c:\documents and
> settings\sboddhu\desktop\gdal142\gdal-1.4.2\port\cpl_multiproc.cpp    63
> GetGDALDriverManager    c:\documents and
> settings\sboddhu\desktop\gdal142\gdal-1.4.2\gcore\gdaldrivermanager.cpp   
> 72 GDALAllRegister    c:\documents and
> settings\sboddhu\desktop\gdal142\gdal-1.4.2\frmts\gdalallregister.cpp    73
> And TLSAlloc leak looks like:
> Type    Quantity    Deallocator    Allocation Location    Sequence
> TlsAlloc    1    TlsFree    gdal14.dll, cpl_multiproc.cpp, CPLGetTLSList -
> line 642    58 Resource Leak Exiting Program: Handle 0x00000021 allocated
> by TlsAlloc.
> Allocation Call Stack - Thread 0 [0x0CA0]
> CPLGetTLSList    c:\documents and
> settings\sboddhu\desktop\gdal142\gdal-1.4.2\port\cpl_multiproc.cpp    642
> CPLGetTLS    c:\documents and
> settings\sboddhu\desktop\gdal142\gdal-1.4.2\port\cpl_multiproc.cpp    954
> CPLGetStaticResult    c:\documents and
> settings\sboddhu\desktop\gdal142\gdal-1.4.2\port\cpl_path.cpp    55
> CPLGetDirname    c:\documents and
> settings\sboddhu\desktop\gdal142\gdal-1.4.2\port\cpl_path.cpp    165
> AutoLoadDrivers    c:\documents and
> settings\sboddhu\desktop\gdal142\gdal-1.4.2\gcore\gdaldrivermanager.cpp   
> 553
> Sorry to dump the call stack..but if martin/someone can find any obvious
> mistake/ missing something in my calling the cleanup calls that would be
> helpful.
> Thanks
> Sanjay
> mchapman at texelinc.com wrote: Not sure if this is it but are you calling
> GDALCleanupAll?  It's called that or GDALAllCleanup or something.  I think
> it is declared near GDALRegisterAll.
> Martin
> Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
> -----Original Message-----
> From: sanjay boddhu
> Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2008 01:41:45
> To:gdal-dev at lists.osgeo.org
> Subject: [gdal-dev] General Memory/Resource leak fixes(Cleanup calls)
> Hi ,
>      I have been trying to fix (or to be more appropriate, find the cleanup
> calls to fix) the memory and resource leaks in my application(which uses
> GDAL to read and write to a tif file). I have tried all the cleanup calls
> mentioned in the end of :
> http://www.gdal.org/gdalinfo.c.html
> and reduced lot of memory/resource leaks......But i still get a memory leak
> pointing in "GDALDataset  Create( ...)"  and few resource leaks of Mutex
> and TLsAlloc.
> I would really appreciate if anyone can recommend the right cleanup calls
> for the above leaks or hint me in the right direction.
> Thanks
> Sanjay
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