[gdal-dev] GML to Shapefile

Stefan Keller sfkeller at gmail.com
Tue Jul 1 19:31:27 EDT 2008


I tried to convert a GML file to Shapefile whereas the GML contains points,
linestrings and polygons (see GML snippet below).

The command goes something like this: % ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" outdir

Now, what I'm getting out is mydata.shp (+.dbf/shx) and alayer.shp
(+.dbf/shx), where mydata contains point type and alayer contains linestring
type.  => Why is there an additional linestring shapefile but no polygon

-- Stefan

GML snippet of mydata.gml:
<osm:way fid="4304746">
<osm:user>Schäuble Michele</osm:user>
<gml:coordinates>8.8971245,47.2066117 8.8958854,47.2065926
8.8951875,47.2061166 8.893922,47.2073953 8.8921772,47.2079074  ...
8.8971383,47.2051962 8.8962002,47.2044168 8.8955145,47.2051218
8.8966504,47.2060895 8.8971132,47.2060825 8.8971245,47.2066117
<osm:way fid="4684550">
<osm:user>Schäuble Michele</osm:user>
<gml:coordinates>8.8370022,47.2301952 8.8368472,47.2301807
8.8355139,47.2296331 8.832977,47.2291911 8.8297158,47.2285296
8.8256068,47.2278459 8.8223489,47.2273065 8.8188251,47.2267218
8.8183819,47.2267204 </gml:coordinates>
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