[gdal-dev] RV: RGB Tiled - non Tiled Images
Mendizabal Vicente, Ainhoa
amendizabal at indra.es
Wed Jul 2 02:32:07 EDT 2008
I was trying to generate an RGB non-tiled image from a Grey tiled Image like this:
GDALDataset *m_InputImage;
GDALRasterBand *InputRasterBand;
m_InputImage = (GDALDataset*)GDALOpen("D: \\DAT_01.001_tiled.tif", GA_ReadOnly);
char **papszOptions = NULL;
papszOptions = CSLSetNameValue(papszOptions, "TILED", "YES");
GDALDataset *m_OutputImage = (GDALDataset*)GDALCreate(m_InputImage->GetDriver(), D:\\Remuestreo.tif", 1024, 1024, 3, GDT_Byte, papszOptions);
GDALRasterBand *OutputRasterBand;
int rowTile;
int colTile;
int colOff = 3;
int rowOff = 3;
int band;
InputRasterBand = m_InputImage->GetRasterBand(1);
unsigned char* Buffer;
Buffer = (unsigned char *) malloc(256*256*sizeof(unsigned char));
for(rowTile = 0; rowTile < 4; rowTile ++)
for(colTile = 0; colTile <4; colTile++)
for(band = 1; band<=3; band ++)
InputRasterBand->ReadBlock(colTile + colOff, rowTile + rowOff, (void*)Buffer);
OutputRasterBand = m_OutputImage->GetRasterBand(band);
OutputRasterBand->WriteBlock(colTile, rowTile, (void*)Buffer);
GDALDataset *OutputShown2;
OutputShown2 = m_OutputImage->GetDriver()->CreateCopy("D\\RemuestreoShown.tif", m_OutputImage, false, NULL, NULL, NULL);
But I could not view properly the resulting image.
Looking for the original problem I've tried simply to transform a RGB non-tiled Image to tiled, and then I've made it non-tiled again:
gdal_transform -co 'tiled=yes' Original.tif Tiled.tif
gdal_transform -co 'tiled=no' Tiled.tif Result.tif
but, I can't view properly the Image Result.tif. ¿What I've made wrong?
Thank you
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