[gdal-dev] Overviews stored in ESRI aux files

Jason Beverage jasonbeverage at gmail.com
Wed Jul 9 11:30:46 EDT 2008

Hi all,

I've got a customer that has GeoTiff data with overviews stored in an aux
file.  When loading these files in ArcGIS, the files look fine.  However,
when I load them into our GDAL based application or OpenEV, the images do
not render properly and have an overall green or blue tint to them until you
zoom into the highest level of detail when GDAL hits the tif file directly.

Deleting the aux files and regenerating the overviews using gdaladdo causes
the images to render correctly.

Is there any known limitation or issues with GDAL using overviews generated
by ArcGIS in aux files?


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