[gdal-dev] OT: subversion configuration

Ari Jolma ari.jolma at tkk.fi
Sun Jul 27 06:10:33 EDT 2008

Christopher Barker kirjoitti:
>> I assume I shouldn't set the property to LF for files which I don't 
>> "own" (everything else than the Perl bindings)? 
> The trouble is that even though you are the primary editor of the Perl 
> bindings, others will, at the very least, check out the files and look 
> at them or compile them. I don't think it's a good idea to have 
> different systems for different parts of the the same project -- 
> wouldn't it get messy for you, if no one else?

you're probably right

> Why do you need LF on Windows? Why not just use Windows line endings 
> on windows? With a decent editor is should be completely transparent 
> anyway.

I use emacs for editing and while there may be a way to configure it to 
not to show the ^M, I don't know it.

> Ideally, your SVN client would let you define what "native" linefeeds 
> mean to you, but I don't know that Tortoise (or any other) client 
> supports that. You might try a feature request.

I thought so too.


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