[gdal-dev] Re: C#: Gdal on Win64

Tomas R monshi at home.se
Tue Mar 4 15:43:41 EST 2008

Thanks for all the help.

Everything up and running. A small miss in the environmental settings 
after a quick fix it compiles without any trouble. (VSE2005)

No hurry, but, a how-to compile the 64-bit version using VSE2008 on 
Vista would be nice :)

The 64 bit version of the library you have so kindly provided earlier 
works just fine and should do fine for now.

Tamas Szekeres skrev:
> 2008/3/3, Tomas R <monshi at home.se>:
>> Thanks for the binaries. Have not tried them out, will do that tomorrow.
>>  Instead I have spent some frustrating time (always a bit frustrating
>>  compiling big c++ projects, getting all components you need) trying to
>>  compile GDAL on Visual c++ 2005 Express. I have (tried) to follow the
>>  instructions given on the web
>>  (http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/BuildingOnWindows) but building via
>>  nmake on commandprompt failes at finding 'atlbase.h'. Yes I know, Win
>>  SDK paths. have tried setting them. Building GDAL via the GUI, (project
>>  7_1) works though.
>>  Any tips on the use of nmake? What have I missed? Yes, I have set the
>>  paths and called vsvars32.bat before nmake
>>  And - this gives me the gdal dll. But, the rest (ogr_wrap.dll,
>>  proj.dll)? How do I obtain those? Won't I need those, the dll's that are
>>  included in the binaries you have provided so nicely below.
> The csharp bindings should be compiled separately after the core gdal
> have been compiled. Here is the corresponding wiki page:
> http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/GdalOgrCsharpCompile
> Best regards,
> Tamas

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