[gdal-dev] Building with SEH

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Wed Mar 12 17:36:34 EDT 2008


No, it's not in 1.5 branch, and not even in trunk, as this is a patch to 
shpopen.c, and if I understood well the process, you generally prefer that 
it's commited in shapelib first.
(By the way, I also submitted a similar patch to the shapelib version of 
mapserver that was applied a few weeks ago)

Le Wednesday 12 March 2008 22:14:17 Frank Warmerdam, vous avez écrit :
> Martin Chapman wrote:
> > Even,
> >
> > I am using gdal 1.5.0 on windows xp pro and the buggy shape did indeed
> > crash my application.  I see the fix but I was wondering if there will be
> > a 1.5.1 release soon?  Also, thanks for the info on this fix.
> Martin,
> My plan it to produce a 1.5.1 release *very soon*.  Is the shapefile fix
> applied to the 1.5 branch?  If there are priority fixes that need to get
> into 1.5.1 they need to be either done, or brought to my attention (as a
> Trac ticket) soon.
> Best regards,

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