[gdal-dev] Creating Geotiff with WriteArray in Python
Christopher Barker
Chris.Barker at noaa.gov
Thu Mar 20 12:52:41 EDT 2008
Matt Fearon wrote:
> The problem is related to the line
> "dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(nxarray,0,j)" - I am trying to
> write an imported integer array(y,x) , 13700x13300, to a tif file row
> by row
> BandWriteArray
> xsize = array.shape[1]
> IndexError: tuple index out of range
It looks like RasterBand.WriteArray is expecting a 2-d array, and you
are passing in a 1-d array. This makes sense as you are trying to pass
in a single row. Do you need to do it row by row due to memory limitations?
> import Numeric
> import numpy
which version of GDAL are you using? if you use 1.5, you can just use
numpy, rather than both Numeric and numpy.
> from math import *
Just so you know both Numeric an numpy are essentially supersets of
math, so you usually don't need the math module. Also, as math and
Numeric have a lot of overlapping symbols, you generally don't want to
"import *" both of them
> nxarray=zeros(nx,Float)
> dst_datatype = gdal.GDT_Float32
Another issue here -- I think Numeric.Float is a 64bit float (C double),
same as the built-in python float. If you want a Float32 array, you need
something else. In numpy, it's "float32", in Numeric, it's "Float32".
> for j in range(0,ny-1):
> for i in range(0,nx-1):
I think you want "range(ny)" here:
>>> range(4)
[0, 1, 2, 3]
There is also room to "vectorize" this operation -- you should be able
to process a whole row at once, and only loop through y, but not x --
that will speed things up a lot (see below). If you have enough memory,
you could process the whole thing at once with numpy operations --
that's the whole point of numpy(and Numeric).
> nxarray[i]=0.0
> tmp = array[j,i] * 1.0
why multiply by 1.0 here? that shouldn't do anything.
> if (tmp > 0):
> nxarray[i] = 10.0 * log10(pow(tmp,2)) + cal_factor
> dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(nxarray,0,j)
Here's the issue. If I have this right, WriteArray is expecting a 2-d
array, and writing to the RasterBand at the given offsets. So what you
need to do is convert your (nx,) array to a (nx,1) array, and it should
nxarray.shape = (-1,1)
This tells Numeric or numpy to set the second dimension to 1, and the
first to whatever it needs to be to fit. (that could be (nx, 1), but I
like to be generic when I can.
Now you can call WriteRaster:
dst_ds = None
I think that will delete your destination raster -- has it been written
to file yet?
Here is my (untested) suggestion to eliminating a loop:
for j in range(ny): # loop though the rows
nxarray=array[j,:] # note - this is a view into your original array
nxarray = numpy.where(nxarray > 0,
10.0 * log10(pow(tmp,2)) + cal_factor,
nxarray.shape = (-1, 1)
Hope that helps.
Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/OR&R (206) 526-6959 voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE (206) 526-6329 fax
Seattle, WA 98115 (206) 526-6317 main reception
Chris.Barker at noaa.gov
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