[gdal-dev] Creating Geotiff with WriteArray in Python
Christopher Barker
Chris.Barker at noaa.gov
Thu Mar 20 16:34:04 EDT 2008
Matt Fearon wrote:
> Chris, thank you for the great detail of your response.
You're welcome.
> However,
> I still receive trouble with WriteArray and few additional things now.
> Below are my errors
> datatype = NumericTypeCodeToGDALTypeCode( array.typecode() )
> AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'typecode'
Sorry, my fault -- I think what's happening is that you're passing in a
numpy array, and it's expecting a Numeric array -- they are very
similar, but not identical. It seems you are using GDAL 1.4, in which
case it's probably better to just stick with Numeric all around.
Note to Frank -- we could wrap input arrays with Numeric.asarray()
calls, so that the conversion would happen automatically.
> #! /usr/bin/env python
> import pickle, array, sys, os, shutil
> import gdal, gdalnumeric
> from gdalconst import *
> import numpy
> from numpy import *
I like to do:
import numpy as N
or import Numeric as N
In this case, you're probably better off with just Numeric. And I really
recommend against "import *". In fact, in this case, if you do that,
you're stomping on the numpy array constructor with your "array" variable.
> gd=gdal.Open(file)
> array=gd.ReadAsArray()
I think this is now a Numeric array, check like this:
type(array) -- if it says:
<type 'array'>
it's Numeric, if it says:
<type 'numpy.ndarray'>
it's numpy.
I think you're working with Numeric here.
By the way -- what a mess! Oh well, everyone is moving to numpy now, so
in a bit this will no longer be an issue. If you can upgrade to GDAL 1.5
now, I would. But for now, let's go Numeric:
> nxarray=numpy.zeros(nx, dtype=float32)
You don't need that anymore, it's getting created inside the loop anyway.
> for j in range(ny):
> nxarray=array[j,:]
I now I gave you this code, but there is an issue here, what type is
your input data? IIUC, it's not Float32, so you need to do a conversion
nxarray = array[j,:].astype(N.Float32)
here's the trick:
This tells the Numeric array that you don't want it to upcast to a
Float64 when you multiply it by a standard Python float (which is 64
bit). One advantage to numpy is that it does this by default.
nxarray = N.where(nxarray > 0, 10.0 * N.log10(pow(nxarray,2)) +
changed the "numpy" to N -- then if you did "import Numeric as N",
you'll get a Numeric array here. You can just do "import Numeric", but
then you have to type that long word everywhere...
> cal_factor, nxarray)
> nxarray.shape = (1,-1)
> print nxarray
> dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(nxarray,0,j)
that should do it.
Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/OR&R (206) 526-6959 voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE (206) 526-6329 fax
Seattle, WA 98115 (206) 526-6317 main reception
Chris.Barker at noaa.gov
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