[gdal-dev] 16 bit / px / band TIFFs unreadable by ImageMagick, others

Nissim Chudnoff nissim.chudnoff.ctr at metnet.navy.mil
Fri Mar 21 17:22:10 EDT 2008


> 1) It's tiled.  Some programs still don't support tiled tiff files.

These are supported by IM, GS and IV, so I don't think it's a problem,
same with INTERLEAVE=band or pixel.

> 2) It's 16bit.  Lots of programs don't support 16bit tiff files.
I can't vouch for GeoServer/GeoTools, but IrfanView and ImageMagick have
no problems with the 16 bit/band RGB or grayscale images in the libtiff
test suite, so I'm not sure this is what's wrong.

> 3) It uses only a fraction of the 16bit dynamic range.  Lots of programs
>    that *can* read 16bit assume the image is full dynamic range (values
>    from 0 to 65535 so your image in the 0 to 1000 range (roughly) will
>    up getting shown as black and slightly off black.

That's just it -- that image isn't just black/off black. If you use
"gdal_translate -scale -ot Byte" to produce an 8-bit version of it, you'll
see land features, river and ocean (in many pretty colors, not just
grayscale), and the file opens Ok in all the various software.

Obviously I can just go ahead and use the 8-bit images for our
application, but I was curious if anyone knew more about this, if it was a
bug/feature, gotten it to work, etc.


-----Original Message-----
From: Frank Warmerdam [mailto:warmerdam at pobox.com]
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 2:03 PM
To: nissim.chudnoff.ctr at metnet.navy.mil
Cc: gdal-dev at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [gdal-dev] 16 bit / px / band TIFFs unreadable by
ImageMagick, others

Nissim Chudnoff wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've been having odd issues using GeoTIFFs made with GDAL that have 16
> bits per band RGB data. These images can be read by some software
> (GDAL,
> OpenEV) but not others (ImageMagick, GeoServer, IrfanView), so I can't
> tell if there's some problem with the file such that only GDAL works
> (IIRC, OpenEV uses GDAL) or just that everyone else has crappy support
> such files. Here's the commandline I used to generate the GeoTIFF:


I'm not clear in what way ImageMagick, GeoServer and IrfanView fail to
read the file in question.  I looked at it and it does not seem particular

Things that will reduce the number of programs supporting it:

>  1) It's tiled.  Some programs still don't support tiled tiff files.

  2) It's 16bit.  Lots of programs don't support 16bit tiff files.

  3) It uses only a fraction of the 16bit dynamic range.  Lots of programs
     that *can* read 16bit assume the image is full dynamic range (values
     from 0 to 65535 so your image in the 0 to 1000 range (roughly) will
     up getting shown as black and slightly off black.

Images not intended for remote sensing images are unlikely to display the
image in question nicely but I don't see anything really wrong with it.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | President OSGeo, http://osgeo.org

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