[Gdal-dev] gdal_grid: taking a value from feature attribute

Andrey Kiselev dron at ak4719.spb.edu
Mon May 26 06:58:55 EDT 2008

On Sun, May 25, 2008 at 12:49:38AM -0700, Fodder wrote:
> It seems like a good little tool, are there any plans to put in
> splines or kriging?

I would like to see the wide range of methods to be implemented, but I
have now short term plans to do it myself. But any contributions are
welcome. I tried to make gridding interface simple enough and suitable
for further additions:


> Is it mostly for points or does it work with polylines & polgons too?

It will use the points only, but can be easily extended to handle
polygons and polylines too.  It will collect a list of nodes and use it
in the same way as list of points, so no extra intelligence here. I can
add an option to enable such a behavior.

Best regards,

Andrey V. Kiselev
ICQ# 26871517

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