[gdal-dev] Re: gdal_merge

Jukka Rahkonen jukka.rahkonen at mmmtike.fi
Thu Nov 6 08:33:53 EST 2008

Matt Wilkie <matt.wilkie <at> gov.yk.ca> writes:

> > By the way, to get the order of precidence you want you should also
> > reverse the order of the input images so that image1.tif is last
> > (overlayed to top of everything else).
> Thanks for clarifying this Frank.
> Is there way to do the same with gdalwarp? I ask because I sometimes 
> need to stack images rather than blend them, but also want to use 
> bilinear or cubic resampling.


It's simple, just give an existing file as output image file.  If you start
making the mosaic from beginning then give the desired image extents of the
final mosaic when warping the first image tile by using [-te xmin ymin xmax
ymax] [-tr xres yres]. File formats like uncompressed tiff of .img are best for
this usage.  

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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