[gdal-dev] JPEG2000 ECW Issue

Philip Paar paar at lenne3d.com
Sat Nov 8 10:39:42 EST 2008

I found a pixel depth/ECW issue with gdal_translate and JEPG2000 support (using FWTools 2.2.8. Win) . My input .IMG is 16bit signed while the resulting JP2 file looses 8 bit.

>compress_terrain 12_03_1_5_-32768.tif_-12_1588_.img
Input file size is 1000, 1000
Warning 1: ECW only supports Byte pixel data type, ignoring r
0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.

gdal_translate works fine with an older version, e.g.
GDAL 1.5dev, FWTools 1.3.9, released 2007/10/11

>compress_terrain 12_03_1_5_-32768.tif_-12_1588_.img
Input file size is 1000, 1000
0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.

Thanks for the help,
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