[gdal-dev] Ingres driver for gdal

Denise MacLeod Denise.MacLeod at ingres.com
Mon Oct 6 11:11:31 EDT 2008

Hi -

I am another recent addition to the GDAL community. I am currently using the Ingres driver for the latest svn trunk version. I had originally downloaded the driver back in May, and had it working, but the latest version wasn't working for me; specifically ogr2ogr was seg faulting.

After some digging, I found out that the command line syntax had changed between May and now.  Previously, this syntax worked:

   ogr2ogr -overwrite -append -skipfailures -f ingres INGRES:mydbname road.shp

Now however, the syntax is (as documented on the GDAL website): 

   ogr2ogr -overwrite -append -skipfailues -f Ingres "@driver=ingres,dbname=mydbname,user=mydbuser,password=mypwd" road.shp

I was wondering if there's a reason to have the syntax so different from some of the other formats, such as Postgres?  (with the @ sign at the beginning). Also, out of curiousity, is the new driver parameter used to separate the vector format (specified by "-f Ingres") from the driver used?  

Finally, I fixed the seg fault by initializing the data source pointer as such:

from ogr/ogrsf_frmts/ingres/ogringresdriver.cpp

  OGRDataSource *OGRIngresDriver::CreateDataSource( const char * pszName,
                                                    char ** /* papszOptions */ )

>     OGRIngresDataSource     *poDS = NULL;


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