[gdal-dev] Python / ArcGIS / zlib conflict

Christopher Barker Chris.Barker at noaa.gov
Tue Oct 28 12:25:55 EDT 2008

Gregory, Matthew wrote:
> It seems strange to me that ArcGIS would put the 'bin'
> directory (that had all kinds of other stuff besides Python DLLs) into
> PYTHONPATH, but I may not have a good grasp of the complexities here ...

My rant:

Why the heck do folks using python to script their own tools use a 
standard install, but then treat python as their own little playground?

It makes it very difficult to use Python as a general purpose 
development tool if ESRI, or whoever, is messing with the environment.

If you want to use python to script your own stuff, either do a private 
install, or DO NOT mess with anything global, such as PYTHONPATH.

Sorry, I don't have a solution that won't break ESRI stuff, but I am 
telling you that the problem is what they've done, NOT your grasp of the 



no wait -- one possible option: it appears you're having difficulties in 
the build/install stage -- if that's it, then you may be able to simply 
re-set PYTHONPATH before running setup.py

Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/OR&R            (206) 526-6959   voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE   (206) 526-6329   fax
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Chris.Barker at noaa.gov

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