[gdal-dev] Problems building 1.6.0 with Xerces 2.7 on Solaris 10 /
Sparc (1.5.x work)
Peter J Halls
P.Halls at york.ac.uk
Thu Apr 16 08:48:37 EDT 2009
Dear All,
I'm sure that I've done something wrong, but cannot see it! I've pulled
GDAL 1.6.0 and ran the same configure command as for 1.5.x, seeking to include
xerces (for GML). Configure failed to find the xerces libraries with both gcc
3.3 and the Sun compilers; I also had to drop Jasper, as I do not currently have
this. I got round the xerces problem for the Sun compilers (but get a new set
of errors from gcc) by editing configure to add a reference to the XMLUni header
file, as follows:
#include <xercesc/util/XercesDefs.hpp>
#include <xercesc/util/XMLUni.hpp>
#include <xercesc/util/PlatformUtils.hpp>
However, GDAL then fails to build, with multiple link errors of the same form as
originally generated by configure:
Undefined first referenced
symbol in file
int xercesc_2_7::XMLString::compareString(const unsigned short*const,const
unsigned short*const) /usr/postel/gdal-1.6.0/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/o/.libs/iom_basket.o
unsigned short*xercesc_2_7::XMLString::replicate(const unsigned short*const)
xercesc_2_7::XMLFormatter&xercesc_2_7::XMLFormatter::operator<<(const unsigned
short*const) /usr/postel/gdal-1.6.0/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/o/.libs/writer.o
void xercesc_2_7::XMLString::catString(unsigned short*const,const unsigned
short*const) /usr/postel/gdal-1.6.0/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/o/.libs/writer.o
Checking the sources, the header file requests appear to be in order, so it
would appear that I have some other problem that is masked by my edit to configure.
My current configure statement is
./configure 'CC=cc' 'CCC=CC'
'--prefix=/usr/appl/bin/solaris/sparc' '--with-pcraster=internal'
'--with-png=internal' '--with-libtiff=internal' '--with-geotiff=internal'
'--with-jpeg=internal' '--with-xerces'
'--without-python' '--without-jasper'
Note that I have had to specify the libxerces-c.so.27, rather than just
libxerces-c.so as I did at GDAL 1.5.x - they are the same version.
I can provide compilation logs, etc., should these be needed to identify where
I've gone wrong.
Thanks and best wishes,
Peter J Halls, GIS Advisor, University of York
Telephone: 01904 433806 Fax: 01904 433740
Snail mail: Computing Service, University of York, Heslington, York YO10 5DD
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