[gdal-dev] Re: export mdb in shp

Paolo Corti pcorti at gmail.com
Thu Apr 16 12:27:19 EDT 2009

> i am in winz and i opened an mdb with ogrinfo, i am wondering if there's a
> command to export all its shapes with just a command line. I checked the
> http://www.gdal.org/ogr2ogr.html but i cannot understand much, sorry i am
> still newbie.

you just need to use the ogr2ogr command, reference is here:

This is possible for exporting Geodatabase features to shapefile
features, while it is not possible the opposite (ogr2ogr supports
Geodatabase only for reading)

you are in windows so i think you will automatically find Geodatabase
as a supported file output in ogr2ogr (not like me, i am on linux)
If you would be in linux you would need to install and use unixODBC
driver as discussed here:

best regards

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