[gdal-dev] Re: Problem: Convert to netCDF using gdal_translate

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Thu Aug 13 11:59:53 EDT 2009


I don't know what is going wrong here.  The cdfid is a file
descriptor used with libnetcdf.  This might possibly be a
file error (disk full?) but more likely it is some sort of build problem.

I tried some similar simple stuff with the netcdf driver from trunk and
had no problems.  I've been using libnetcdf 3.6.1 on windows.

Good luck,

On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 7:31 AM, chen cui<cui_chan at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hello, dear all,
> I would like to use gdal_translate to convert .tif file and Grass raster
> file to netCDF file.
> On my computer system, the libgdal version is 1.3.2 and the libnetcdf
> version is 3. I have
> used the following command:
> gdal_translate -of netCDF -b 1 test.tif test.nc
> but it showed the following message:
> 0netcdf: 3 is not a valid cdfid
> Could anybody tell me how to solve this problem?
> thank you in advance!
> Tracy
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