[gdal-dev] Getting BigTiff support in Ubuntu 9.04 64bits
Nikos Alexandris
nikos.alexandris at felis.uni-freiburg.de
Fri Aug 14 15:47:00 EDT 2009
Felix Schalck:
> Dear Frank,
> After some extensive research, I discovered this:
> qwerkus at qwerkus-desktop:~$ ls -la /usr/local/bin/gdalwarp
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 95391 2009-08-14 20:20 /usr/local/bin/gdalwarp
> qwerkus at qwerkus-desktop:~$ ls -la /usr/bin/gdalwarp
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 31608 2009-03-10 00:32 /usr/bin/gdalwarp
> Looks like your were right: it is an installation problem: looks like
> the installation script doesn't put gdal in the sam directory as the
> ubuntu package manager.
> Now, here comes another problem:
> By invoquing /usr/local/bin/gdalwarp, I have this error message:
> gdalwarp: error while loading shared libraries: libgdal.so.1: cannot
> open shared object file: No such file or directory
> Although, by launching gdalwarp from the compilation directory (in
> scr/apps), It works fine INCLUDING BIGTIFF option.
> How can I fix the linking problem ?
I use (ubuntu 9.04 / 64-bit), among others, the following
in /etc/ld.so.conf:
# share
# gdal
# I use the last line to read HDF files (like MODIS MOD09 products)
No warranty though. I am still messing up my system from time to time
and kill my time trying to fix it (or loading the lists with
questions :-p).
Maybe there should be a separate section in the wiki to explain
step-by-step linking issues, shared libraries, etc.
FYI, below I am copy-pasting notes with respect to "./configuration" for
GDAL compilation [*].
Kindest regards, Nikos
[*] GDAL related compilation notes
*Must* compile without GRASS support
# enter in directory gdal_stable
cd /usr/local/src/gdal_stable
# download with svn ## or update with svn up
# clean previous configurations/compilations
make distclean
# configure
CFLAGS="-g -Wall" LDFLAGS="-s" ./configure \
--with-png=internal \
--with-libtiff=internal \
--with-geotiff=internal \
--with-jpeg=internal \
--with-gif=internal \
--with-ecw=yes \
--with-expat=yes \
--with-expat-inc=/usr/include/ \
--with-expat-lib=/usr/lib \
--with-sqlite3=yes \
--with-geos=yes \
--with-python \
--with-libz=internal \
--with-netcdf \
--with-sqlite \
--with-threads=yes \
--without-grass \
--without-ogdi \
--with-pg=/usr/bin/pg_config \
#compile & install & ldconfig
make && sudo make install && sudo ldconfig
Where is GDAL installed?
# in /usr/local/bin
/usr/local/bin/gdal-config \
/usr/local/bin/gdal2tiles.py \
/usr/local/bin/gdal2xyz.py \
/usr/local/bin/gdal_contour \
/usr/local/bin/gdal_grid \
/usr/local/bin/gdal_merge.py \
/usr/local/bin/gdal_rasterize \
/usr/local/bin/gdal_retile.py \
/usr/local/bin/gdal_translate \
/usr/local/bin/gdaladdo \
/usr/local/bin/gdalchksum.py \
/usr/local/bin/gdalenhance \
/usr/local/bin/gdalident.py \
/usr/local/bin/gdalimport.py \
/usr/local/bin/gdalinfo \
/usr/local/bin/gdalmanage \
/usr/local/bin/gdaltindex \
/usr/local/bin/gdaltransform \
/usr/local/bin/gdalwarp \
# in /usr/local/share \
/usr/local/share/gdal \
# in /usr/local/lib \
/usr/local/lib/libgdal.a \
/usr/local/lib/libgdal.la \
/usr/local/lib/libgdal.so \
/usr/local/lib/libgdal.so.1 \
/usr/local/lib/libgdal.so.1.12.3 \
# in /usr/local/include/
/usr/local/include/gdal.h \
/usr/local/include/gdal_alg.h \
/usr/local/include/gdal_frmts.h \
/usr/local/include/gdal_pam.h \
/usr/local/include/gdal_priv.h \
/usr/local/include/gdal_rat.h \
/usr/local/include/gdal_version.h \
/usr/local/include/gdal_vrt.h \
/usr/local/include/gdalgrid.h \
/usr/local/include/gdaljp2metadata.h \
/usr/local/include/gdalwarper.h \
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