[gdal-dev] -update -append -f kml and -sql options for time series?

Jeff Hamann jeff.hamann at forestinformatics.com
Mon Feb 2 11:52:28 EST 2009

I have no idea where to send this and after signing up for the another
list server, I thought I might try here. Let me first say that I have
been using the heck out of gdal, ogr2ogr, and postgis for a few days now 
to generate kml files with relative ease, using commands like:

ogr2ogr -f kml himom.kml PG:"host=localhost dbname=$1" -sql "select
st_transform(boundary,4326), blah, blah, blah from my table"

While this is awsome, I need to export a timestamp/timespan into the kml
file as well so I can make use of the time slider in google earth. I'm
a relative newbie to xml/kml and had no idea if ogr2ogr/postgis can do 
this. I'm pretty sure after some experimentation, that concatenating 
multiple files:

ogr2ogr -f kml himom.kml PG:"host=localhost dbname=$1" -sql "select
st_transform(boundary,4326), blah, blah, blah from my table where time = 

ogr2ogr -update -append -f kml himom.kml PG:"host=localhost dbname=$1" 
-sql "select
st_transform(boundary,4326), blah, blah, blah from my table where time = 

seems to only produce a file with the last query. So my questions are these:

1) is it possible to include additional tags 
<TimeSpan><when>...</when></TimeSpan> as part of the sql query (e.g. 
next_time as TimeStamp),

2) Does anyone know if the -update -append works with -sql,

3) While I think I can hack a solution (read I must hack a solution), 
where is the documentation for adding features to ogr2ogr),

4) Would it be easier to post process the generated kml file(s) and 
manipulate the file/entries myself  using another tool since I'm kind of 
new to xml/kml/gdal/etc.

Jeff D. Hamann, PhD
Forest Informatics

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