[gdal-dev] Unknown file type

Greg Ederer greg at ergonosis.com
Thu Jan 8 15:16:14 EST 2009

This looks like it will be useful.



Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> Greg Ederer wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am a GDAL newbie.  I just got handed a group of files with the 
>> following description:
>> description of the data
>>      1)  content:
>>        rain  ==   10 day precipitation analysis by merging      
>>                   GTS gauge observations and  3 kinds of satellite 
>> estimates
>>                   (GPI,SSM/I, and AMSU)
>>       2)  coverage:
>>        -40.00S -- 40.00N Northward;
>>         20.00W -- 55.00E Eastward        751 grid points in east - 
>> west direction
>>        801 grid points in south - north direction
>>    3)  resolution:
>>        0.1 deg lat x 0.1 deg lon
>>        dekad
>>    4)  missing values
>>        -999.0
>> I'd like to read and manipulate these files using GDAL.  When I run 
>> gdalinfo, I get something like the following:
>> Macintosh-4:RFE_dekedal gregederer$ gdalinfo 10day_precip.bin.1999121
>> ERROR 4: `10day_precip.bin.1999121' not recognised as a supported 
>> file format.
>> gdalinfo failed - unable to open '10day_precip.bin.1999121'.
>> I suspect that GDAL requires some additional metadata in order to 
>> read these files.  Any suggestions?
> Greg,
> Assuming this is a raw binary file you can write a VRT "raw" description
> for it based on:
>   http://www.gdal.org/gdal_vrttut.html
> Read down in particular to the ".vrt Descriptions for Raw Files" section.
> There are also several other methods for accomplishing something similar.
> In your case I'd assume the file is 751x801 x 1band x Float32 with
> ImageOffset=0, PixelOffset=4, LineOffset = 3004 and ByteOrder LSB.
> Best regards,

| E R G O N O S I S
| Greg Ederer
| Lead Developer
| greg at ergonosis.com
| 360.774.6848

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