[gdal-dev] GML 3.1.1

Alberto Telletxea Alberto.Telletxea at eea.europa.eu
Tue Jun 2 07:51:36 EDT 2009

Dear GDAL developers
We would like to know if you have in mind to develop for the ogr2ogr utility the conversion to GML 3.1.1

At the European Environment Agency we use your tools to convert SHP files into GML. Once we have the GML generated we import them in SQL Server Spatial for further processing.

To import the GML into SQL Server Spatial 2008 we have to do some modification in the GML generated by ogr2ogr utility.
This is what we replace in the GML:

"gml:outerBoundaryIs" by "gml:exterior"
"gml:innerBoundaryIs" by "gml:interior"
"gml:coordinates" by "gml:posList"

And substitute comas by space

This is the GML 1.0 generated by ogr2ogr utiliy:
 <ogr:geometryProperty><gml:Polygon><gml:outerBoundaryIs><gml:LinearRing><gml:coordinates>-16.124971301678141,28.532350331930321 -16.125349339587991,28.532437725211178 -16.125317491520253,28.53240278983877 -16.125215922984399,28.532365814754602 -16.125097942598817,28.532313542029279 -16.125047035980906,28.532302772190828 -16.124971301678141,28.532350331930321</gml:coordinates></gml:LinearRing></gml:outerBoundaryIs></gml:Polygon></ogr:geometryProperty>

This is the GML 3.1. needed to import the spatial data into SQL Server 2008:
 <ogr:geometryProperty><gml:Polygon><gml:exterior><gml:LinearRing><gml:posList>-16.124971301678141 28.532350331930321 -16.124971301673579 28.532350331923503 -16.115508612667128 28.532428395055103 -16.115508611853965 28.532428391612456 -16.146225850780553 28.512726744977815 </gml:posList></gml:LinearRing></gml:exterior></gml:Polygon></ogr:geometryProperty>

Please do not hesitate in contact me for further details.

Looking to hearing from you.

Best Regards

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